When a subscriber FIRST comes in they are asked to either accept or decline Push.
I have included the below in my main js, which works fine when the user accepts.
It also works if the user initially accepts and then declines later on.
But what do I include in my js for when the user declines INITIALLY, so the user can continue using my app without PUSH?
> ?>
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html>
> <head>
> <meta name="pushport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
> </head>
> <body >
> <p id="browserPush"></p>
> <!-- start webpushr tracking code -->
> <script>(function(w,d, s, id) {if(typeof(w.webpushr)!=='undefined') return;w.webpushr=w.webpushr||function(){(w.webpushr.q=w.webpushr.q||[]).push(arguments)};var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;js.async=1;js.src = https://cdn.webpushr.com/app.min.js;
> fjs.parentNode.appendChild(js);}(window,document, 'script', 'webpushr-jssdk'));
> webpushr('setup',{'key':'<key>' });
> webpushr('fetch_id',function (sid) {
> console.log('webpushr subscriber id: ' + sid)
> });
> function _webpushrScriptReady(){
> webpushr('fetch_id',function (sid) {
> console.log('webpushr subscriber id: ' + sid)
> let url = <url>?sid= + sid;
> window.open(url,'_self');
> });
> }
> </script>
> <!-- end webpushr tracking code -->
> </body>
> </html>
> <?php