Most push notifications do not send the featured image

Webpushr’s integration to my site is ok, following the guidelines. But, even with featured images correctly set on admin, and featured image uploaded to my posts, this doesn’t work almost always.

What is your website URL? There are no system issues at this time and images seem to be going out fine.

I have the same issue, featured images are not showing on notifications. url - [URL REMOVED by Moderator]

Send us a screenshot of our plugin’s configuration page.

Can you shoot us an e-mail at and mention this thread please?

Email has been sent.

I am facing same issue from few hours ago…
No Avarar Image (Site Logo) send and no Featured Image also , just text…

Same here >>>

We upgraded some related infrastructure that impacted images (for ~25% sites) to not upload. Please check now?

Thanks for your fast Reply. :+1:

I will chek after a few hours when publish new aricle.


Quick update for those who might be facing a similar issue: After investigating the 3 sites that were facing featured image issue, we have discovered that “non-standard” workflows to publish posts sometimes do create issues related to featured images not showing up on push messages. Some examples of these “non-standard” workflows are:

1- Posts are published by users using a custom-built form.
2- Posts are automatically published as a result of a cron-job that syncs one site to another.
3- Posts are published by a custom-written PHP script.

In all of the above cases, we discovered that our API endpoint for WordPress receives the request to send push before the images are fully uploaded on to your server. This causes a failure because Webpushr first fetches the images from your site/server and uploads the images to its CDN before the push is sent out. If we receive the request to send push before the image(s) has fully uploaded, we are not able to fetch the image from your server and therefore the featured image does not go out.

Sites that follow standard workflow (~99.5% of total sites) to publish posts using the Classic Editor and most 3rd-party visual editors do not face the above issue.

Hope this helps.

1st of all thanks for this very informative answer.

I my case none of those non-standard workflows creating my problems.

The Preview from Worldpress pluging showing the images in place, and all images are alredy in Server, but when proceed in publish those last 4 Posts was empty of images when push notifications send.

Maybe the problem was related to some of your infrastructure Upgrade as you mentioned before.

Thanks again !

Hi @Dimitrios_Dagalidis, yes you are correct. Our explanation does not apply to you. Your case was because of the recent upgrade and is fully resolved now.

I have the pleasure to confirm that the problem with featured Images is Fixed :+1:

Now all notifications are complete - including the relative images.

Thanks again ! :heart_eyes:

Thank you for the update.

I’m having the same issue, i used the webp formatted image as my feature image, but its not showing in the push notifications. Other images like jpeg png are working fine.
I wish we have a option to customise article headline/title.

Waiting for your response.
